Mar 13, 2017

A Fun ‘Just in Case’ Trade
Today is Wednesday March 15, 2017. The Fed is expected to announce a rate hike today. So the question is, how will this affect us as investors? And is there a way for us to profit in this situation? Watch this short video to see how Andy sets up a “Just In Case” trade – […]

Today is Wednesday March 15, 2017. The Fed is expected to announce a rate hike today. So the question is, how will this affect us as investors? And is there a way for us to profit in this situation?

Watch this short video to see how Andy sets up a “Just In Case” trade – where he locks in profits no matter what the Fed announces.

DON'T MISS THIS PART: Even though Andy doesn't spell it out, he analyzes this trade using his 4 Pillars of Investing method. The result? A safe, confident trade that generates profit no matter what the Fed announces. That's the power behind this method of cash flow investing.

Join Andy for an eye-opening webinar on Thursday March 16 where he walks you through his 4 Pillars approach to becoming a lifelong successful investor.

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