Understanding NFTs (Episode 162)

SUMMARY: Discover how so-called experts fail to predict financial crises. Howard Adler, former U.S. Treasury official, joins Andy to discuss how the next financial boom-and-bust cycle is growing, and how you can prepare for it. SHOW NOTES: 4:57: How Does The U.S....

The Education Continuum (Episode 003)

SUMMARY In today’s episode, we talk about the the process of learning, or the education continuum. Find out approximately where you are the continuum (ignorance? awareness? competencey? proficiency?) so you can make the best choices for your education! To further...

The Four Asset Classes (Episode 004)

SUMMARY Join our host, Andy Tanner, as he teaches us about the four asset classes: business, real estate, commodities, and paper assets. Learn about the pros and cons of each, and find out which will work best for you and which ones you need to learn more about.   If...

Professionals vs. Amateurs (Episode 005)

SUMMARY On today’s episode of the CashFlow Academy, Andy Tanner explains how professional and amateur investors handle paper assets differently. He looks at the several features of paper assets that professionals utilize. Andy discusses the 401(k)’s and stock markets...