Feb 22, 2023

TCFA Team 2023 Forecast (Episode 159)
SUMMARY: Top instructors Noah Davidson and Corey Halliday join Andy with their economic forecast for 2023. Stocks, real estate, crypto, precious metals, and inflation are all covered in this timely episode. SHOW NOTES: 1:24: How Valuable To Investors Are Economic Prediction? 2:38: Where Are Stocks Headed In 2023? 5:54: How Is It Easier To Predict […]

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Top instructors Noah Davidson and Corey Halliday join Andy with their economic
forecast for 2023. Stocks, real estate, crypto, precious metals, and inflation are all
covered in this timely episode.


1:24: How Valuable To Investors Are Economic Prediction?
2:38: Where Are Stocks Headed In 2023?
5:54: How Is It Easier To Predict What Is Going To Happen, Not When It Will
10:04: How Will The Fed Behave In 2023?
15:53: How Will Inflation Remain Sticky?
20:59: Where Will Investor Opportunities Be In 2023?
32:22: How Will Gold Perform In 2023?
36:32: How Will Crypto Perform In 2023?
