Jan 12, 2024

Overcoming Fear (Pro Tip 03)
Summary: Join Andy Tanner during this Pro Tip to discuss strategies for overcoming your fear. In order to overcome your desire to flee in order to fight (fight vs. flight) you might need to take a leap of faith – or you might not! By stimulating the real experience first and educating yourself on the […]

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Join Andy Tanner during this Pro Tip to discuss strategies for overcoming your fear. In order to overcome your desire to flee in order to fight (fight vs. flight) you might need to take a leap of faith – or you might not! By stimulating the real experience first and educating yourself on the thing you’re afraid of, you can also overcome your fear. It’s also important to surround yourself with mentors and friends who can support you and find healthy coping methods to deal with failure. We hope you find this episode of the Cash Flow Academy informational, if not inspirational.

Also, if you have questions for Andy about your own financial education or advisors, connect with him on twitter or facebook. He’d love to hear your questions, comments, and ideas!

Show Notes:

[00:00] Intro

[00:33] Overcoming Fear as an Entrepreneur

[01:38] Taking a Leap of Faith

[04:23] Stimulating the Real Experience

[06:36] Learn More About the Things You Fear

[08:53] Find Mentors to Support You

[09:54] Dealing With Failure

[10:21] Find Your Burning Desire to Overcome Fear

[11:50] Strategies to Deal with Fear (Review)

[13:30] Outro
