Jan 12, 2024

The Education Continuum (Episode 003)
SUMMARY In today’s episode, we talk about the the process of learning, or the education continuum. Find out approximately where you are the continuum (ignorance? awareness? competencey? proficiency?) so you can make the best choices for your education! To further yourself along the education continuum, visit Andy Tanner’s website  here, or, send him your questions, […]

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In today’s episode, we talk about the the process of learning, or the education continuum. Find out approximately where you are the continuum (ignorance? awareness? competencey? proficiency?) so you can make the best choices for your education!

To further yourself along the education continuum, visit Andy Tanner’s website  here, or, send him your questions, comments, and ideas through twitter or facebook. We’d love to hear from you!

It seemed that people were either educated or they're not…well that's not true.


00:00 Intro
00:19 What is the Process of How People Learn?
01:40 The Education Continuum
03:08 The Four Quantum Leaps of Education
03:18 Ignorance: You Don't Know What You Just Don't Know
05:59 Awareness: When You Know A Little More About What You Don't Know
09:45 Competence: The Ability to Perform…On a Test
13:19 Proficiency: The Ability to Perform
16:57 The Dangers of Competency
18:55 Where Do You Exist on the Education Continuum?
20:10 The Importance of the Education Continuum
22:30 Outro

Awareness helps you and I to have the humility to know where we are now.

Episode Transcripts

Download the PDF Transcripts

Competency has a limitation via application.
