Jan 12, 2024

The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Experience (Episode 67)
SUMMARY: Trading may just be the ultimate entrepreneurial experience. Don Miller joins Andy to discuss how he ditched his successful corporate career to become a trader. Miller describes his oftentimes-painful journey from employee to entrepreneur and offers valuable advice to anyone who has the desire to strike out on their own. SHOW NOTES: 1:45: Why […]

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Trading may just be the ultimate entrepreneurial experience. Don Miller joins Andy to discuss how he ditched his successful corporate career to become a trader. Miller describes his oftentimes-painful journey from employee to entrepreneur and offers valuable advice to anyone who has the desire to strike out on their own.


1:45: Why Is Trading The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Experience?

4:26: How Do Traders Serve People?

6:22: How Do Successful Traders Manage Risk?

10:26: What Is “Trading Angry?”

16:36: How Do You Self-Evaluate To Improve Your Trading Skills?

22:11: What Did Miller Learn From Losing His Life Savings?
