Feb 19, 2023

The Virtues of Peeing in a Bottle
Imagine being so focused on developing yourself that you don't even want to take a break to relieve yourself. That's exactly how Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is when he hits the gym: “Look, I go hardcore when I train. I don't have time to go to the bathroom. I find a bottle, I pee in […]

Imagine being so focused on developing yourself that you don't even want to take a break to relieve yourself. That's exactly how Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is when he hits the gym:

“Look, I go hardcore when I train. I don't have time to go to the bathroom. I find a bottle, I pee in it, and I keep training like a beast.”

Yeah, he goes hardcore when he trains. He even calls the gym his “Iron Paradise.”

LOL, most people think of the gym as an Iron Hell.

So what makes The Rock different?

As I've followed what he says about training over the years, it's become clear what sets him apart…


And because he spends the time in the gym, he knows that the result will take care of itself.

He puts in the time. He eats with discipline. And he doesn't even take bathroom breaks.

During my own journey to become an investor, I've also realized that the results take care of themselves when I focus on the process.

That's why I spend most of my time learning.

What about you?

Are you focusing on loving the process of learning about investing?

Are you putting in the time to learn and grow?

The training and help we give you here at The Cash Flow Academy can show you what to focus on, but we're a lot like the trainer and the weights at the gym. We can only help if you show up and do the work.

Next week we're going to make it a little easier for you with our Black Friday Sale.

We'll offer you great deals on pretty much all of our training and coaching, so it's a great time to get what you've had your eye on.

But then it's time for you to dig in.

Because when you transform into LOVING that learning process, it's amazing what can happen.
