Dec 21, 2022

Chip War (Episode 153)
SUMMARY: Discover how computer chips have become the world’s most valuable resource. Economic superiority – as well as security — will be determined by who controls chips. SHOW NOTES: 5:03: What Nations Are Fighting The Chip War? 7:22: How Does The World Change If China Dominates Chips? 10:38: How Is China Positioned To Win The […]

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Discover how computer chips have become the world’s most valuable resource.
Economic superiority – as well as security — will be determined by who controls


5:03: What Nations Are Fighting The Chip War?
7:22: How Does The World Change If China Dominates Chips?
10:38: How Is China Positioned To Win The Chip War?
14:08: What Risks Do Chips Present To Crypto?
16:53: How Is The Security Of Taiwan Critical To The Chip War?
19:01: How Do Chips Impact Your Life Everyday?
21:26: Will Chip Advancement Eliminate Jobs?
