Jan 12, 2024

Crypto-Currency: A Fad Or The Future (Episode 50)
SUMMARY Bitcoin & Blockchain: Everybody’s talking about it, but few understand it. Is it the next big investment opportunity? Will it change the world? In this episode, Andy talks to Carter Thomas of Coin Mastery about the current state and future of crypto-currencies and blockchain. Find out if this emerging sector is the place for […]

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Bitcoin & Blockchain: Everybody’s talking about it, but few understand it. Is it the next big investment opportunity? Will it change the world? In this episode, Andy talks to Carter Thomas of Coin Mastery about the current state and future of crypto-currencies and blockchain. Find out if this emerging sector is the place for you to invest.


7:47 Is Crypto-Currency The Peoples’ Money?

11:59 How Risky Is Crypto-Currency?

15:17 Is There Room For Hundreds Of Crypto-Currencies?

21:36 Can Bitcoin Be Used As A Hedge Against The Dollar?

27:29 Can Traditional Investing Skills Be Applied To Crypto Investing?

32:38 What Is The Future Of Crypto-Currencies?
