A Death Cross Isn’t Always Scary

An article recently appeared on MarketWatch bearing the title “Dow death cross is a bearish omen for the stock market.” Does this mean it’s time to panic? Should I run for the hills right now? Should I get a preacher to exorcise the demons that are causing this...

What is the Latest on Oil?

Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about oil. Those of you in our mentor club know that I’ve been building a position in oil investment over the last six months. This past week presented some changes that have caused me to adjust my position. I’ve decided to go...

Is Bad News Really Good News?

Sometimes the market masks bad news as good news. Using the Four Pillars of Investing and developing technical skills to analyze the market can help us avoid getting caught in the trap. Medicine as a Metaphor A while back, I was having pain in my back. I got an MRI...

Broad Market Review – 4/6/15

The more a person learns about the four pillars of investing, the more important risk management becomes. Today in the market we saw evidence as to just how important risk management is. The market had a lot of shorts that we had covered with stop losses. I believe...