Gerri Detweiler & Credit Education (Episode 026)

Summary How much do you know about how credit works and how to build credit? Many people feel like credit and building credit is a mysterious process that is outside their control, but it’s actually a very simple process that is extremely important for entrepreneurs...

Is Wall Street Really Rigged? (Episode 27)

Summary Are our institutions rigged? You’ve certainly heard Donald Trump make that claim, and many others too. In this episode, Andy examines the banking system and asks Chris Whalen, author of “Fraud, Stability & the Wealth of Nations,” if banks deserve to be...

What Is Money? (Episode 30)

SUMMARY G. Edward Griffin, the author of “The Creature From Jekyll Island” joins Andy. Find out why schools don’t teach financial education, and how this lack of education may impact your life. Andy and Ed offer tips on how you can navigate the forces that are...

How Much Money Do You Need To Retire? (Episode 31)

  SUMMARY How do you determine early enough what the magic number is to retire comfortably? Andy speaks to Teresa Ghilarducci, labor economist and author of “How to Retire With Enough Money.” Find out if you’re on track to successfully retire, and what you can do...

Protect Your Assets (Episode 32)

SUMMARY You work long and hard to build assets. What are you doing to protect them? Andy speaks to attorney Garrett Sutton, founder of Corporate Direct. Garrett sheds light on the current litigious society, and explains the entities available to those wishing to...