by Carrie Miller | Jan 12, 2024
Summary: Join Andy Tanner on this episode of the Cash Flow Academy as we talk about the education of our children. Listen as we discuss who should decide what our children learn? How do we decide what education is valuable and worth investing in, and what are the best...
by Carrie Miller | Jan 12, 2024
Summary: Tune in with Andy Tanner as he discusses the importance of good mentors in furthering our personal wealth and our financial education – and how those two things really aren’t different! Find out who his personal mentors have been, how he connected with...
by Carrie Miller | Jan 12, 2024
Summary: Welcome to our first Pro Tip podcast! Join Andy Tanner as he discusses the problems facing current retirees and their struggle with the basics. For more information on how to win the retirement battle so you can live in abundance, check out Andy Tanner’s book...
by Carrie Miller | Jan 12, 2024
Summary: Welcome to the second Pro Tip episode with Andy Tanner! Listen as Andy discusses the problem with both bonds and equities, and why “the Bond King” believes that equities are dying. If you have questions for Andy about your own financial education or advisors,...
by Carrie Miller | Jan 12, 2024
Summary: Welcome to the next episode of the Cash Flow Academy! In this episode, Andy Tanner interviews fellow financial educator and trader Jeff Crystal about his job, the foreign exchange market, advice for beginning traders, international currency, US fiscal policy,...