Improve Your Memory, Improve Your Bottom Line (Episode 41)

SUMMARY Memory champion Ron White joins Andy to discuss how memory is linked to successful business. Something as simple as remembering a name can translate into improved cash flow. Find out how you can improve your memory, and how this skill can be leveraged in...

Be Prepared (Episode 42)

SUMMARY Planning in all facets of your life allows you to thrive in uncertain times. In this episode, Chris Martenson, author of “The Crash Course,” joins Andy. Andy & Chris discuss the current state of the economy, environment and energy. Find out where you stand in...

Sales Equals Income (Episode 43)

Summary Andy says selling is the most important skill any entrepreneur must master. Raising money, finding new business, hiring the best people all require good sales techniques. In this episode, Andy talks to Tom Hopkins, author of “How to Master the Art of Selling.”...

Your Identity Will Be Stolen (Episode 44)

SUMMARY Cyber security is vital to any business and individual. In this timely episode, Andy talks to Adam Levin, author of “Swiped,” and finds out why everybody is susceptible to identity theft. Find out what you can do to secure yourself and your business from...

Find Your Mission, Find Success

SUMMARY Working for money is different than working for a purpose. In this episode, Andy talks to successful entrepreneur Josh Lannon. Find out how Josh found his mission, applied it to business, and works to serve others. Josh could have retired after selling his...