Why Pensions Are A Financial Catastrophe (Episode 64)

SUMMARY: Andy takes a deep dive into the public pension crisis. Are they sustainable? Can you count on them for your retirement? Are they financially corrupt? Ted Siedle joins Andy to discuss his work in exposing fraud and mismanagement in many large public pensions....

How AI Will Impact Your Wealth (Episode 65)

SUMMARY: Artificial intelligence is drastically impacting the global economy. Futurist Martin Ford joins Andy to discuss the cutting-edge developments in AI and how it is certain to impact everything from your job to your retirement. SHOW NOTES: 4:30: What Is The Rise...

The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Experience (Episode 67)

SUMMARY: Trading may just be the ultimate entrepreneurial experience. Don Miller joins Andy to discuss how he ditched his successful corporate career to become a trader. Miller describes his oftentimes-painful journey from employee to entrepreneur and offers valuable...

Ways To Become Financially Educated (Episode 68)

SUMMARY: Financial education is the engine to a fulfilled life, yet schools don’t teach it. In this episode, Andy speaks with Than Merrill about the unusual path he took to become financially educated. Than also explains how he helps people everyday on their journey...