Financial Education Is The Roadmap To Freedom (Episode 61)

SUMMARY Jacob Pelley joins Andy to discuss his transformation from minimum-wage employee to financially free self-employed investor. Pelley’s transformation came when he decided to educate himself and put his financial education into action. This episode inspires and...

How To Use Data To Drive Your Analysis (Episode 62)

SUMMARY:  The investment environment is filled with opinion, speculation and politics. Data is harder to come by, and almost always is more valuable to the investor. Keith McCullough joins Andy to discuss how he produces and analyzes valuable data that directs him to...

Why Pensions Are A Financial Catastrophe (Episode 64)

SUMMARY: Andy takes a deep dive into the public pension crisis. Are they sustainable? Can you count on them for your retirement? Are they financially corrupt? Ted Siedle joins Andy to discuss his work in exposing fraud and mismanagement in many large public pensions....

How AI Will Impact Your Wealth (Episode 65)

SUMMARY: Artificial intelligence is drastically impacting the global economy. Futurist Martin Ford joins Andy to discuss the cutting-edge developments in AI and how it is certain to impact everything from your job to your retirement. SHOW NOTES: 4:30: What Is The Rise...