How Cash Flow Changes Your Life (Episode 78)

How Cash Flow Changes Your Life (Episode 78)

SUMMARY: Cash is a tool that creates options. By creating passive income, you have the tool to live a better life. In part 3 of “The Four Pillars Of Investing,” Andy & Corey Halliday explain their strategies to create cash flow. SHOW NOTES: 7:58: What Is The Power Of...
Managing Risk (Episode 79)

Managing Risk (Episode 79)

SUMMARY: The most important skill an investor can learn is risk management. Corey Halliday joins Andy in the final episode of “The 4 Pillars of Investing” series. Find out how to successfully position yourself for financial growth. SHOW NOTES: 2:27: How Did Corey...
Break Bad Habits (Episode 81)

Break Bad Habits (Episode 81)

SUMMARY: Discover the latest research behind behavior change. Andy is joined by Wendy Wood, and discusses what it takes to successfully break bad habits and lead a more fulfilling life. SHOW NOTES: 7:03: How Do Genetics Impact Habits? 11:53: Does Will Power Work?...
How The Best Trader Trades (Episode 82)

How The Best Trader Trades (Episode 82)

SUMMARY: Wall Street’s best trader is not a household name, yet he far outperforms people like Warren Buffet. Andy speaks to Gregory Zuckerman about Jim Simons, and reveals how he became so successful. Investors at any level will find useful trading insights. SHOW...

Create Top-Notch Customer Service (Episode 83)

SUMMARY: Your customers are always in charge even if they’re not only right. Discover how to serve customers so they will grow your business. Micah Solomon joins Andy to discuss how any business can create systems that deliver stellar customer service. SHOW NOTES:...