Protecting Retirement Through Education

Protecting Retirement Through Education

SUMMARY: The team dives into the financial challenges facing retirees today. With 80% of older adult households financially insecure, according to a National Council on Aging report, the team stresses the importance of financial education and smart investing. They...
The Real Cost of Ignoring Fiscal Sustainability

The Real Cost of Ignoring Fiscal Sustainability

SUMMARY: Budget expert ,Brian Ried, sits down with Andy to break down the real cost of ignoring fiscal sustainability. With over 24 years of experience, Riedl explains the alarming $124 trillion shortfall looming over Social Security and Medicare in the next few...
Risk Management: VIX Insights for Investors

Risk Management: VIX Insights for Investors

SUMMARY: Andy, Noah, and Corey dive deep into risk management strategies. They break down the role of the VIX (Volatility Index) as a key fear gauge, with Corey offering insights into its historical importance and its inverse connection to the S&P 500. The team...
Gold: Insights With Mark Yaxley

Gold: Insights With Mark Yaxley

SUMMARY: Andy sits down with Mark Yaxley to discuss the gold market’s recent surge and the role central banks play in sustaining prices. Mark shares his deep expertise in the gold industry. The conversation explores the differences between physical gold, gold ETFs...
Assets: Picking Winners  in the “Playoffs”

Assets: Picking Winners in the “Playoffs”

SUMMARY: The Cash Flow Academy team discusses their “asset playoff” predictions and debate the outlook for various asset classes. They were skeptical about the long-term prospects for Bitcoin and crypto, seeing them more as speculative investments rather...