Chaos Trading (Episode 168)

Chaos Trading (Episode 168)

SUMMARY: Discover how traders leverage chaos events to make massive profits. We live in an age where boom-and-bust cycles may be more acute, and traders are identifying these cycles with colorful names like Black Swann and Dragon King. Scott Patterson joins Andy with...
The Fourth Turning

The Fourth Turning

SUMMARY: Discover how the current economic and institutional crises will likely play out, and how you can prepare for increased uncertainty. Historian Neil Howe joins Andy to discuss how demographic cycles may offer insight to where we’re heading. SHOW NOTES: 7:01:...
Cash Flow Is Your Golden Goose (Episode 001)

Cash Flow Is Your Golden Goose (Episode 001)

SUMMARY Join Andy Tanner on the very first episode of the Cash Flow Academy Show! Learn about the “nest egg” problem – or why saving up cash for retirement can be a bad idea. Then listen as we discuss the solution – cash flow – and the four different assets that will...
How To Make Better Decisions Faster (Episode 167)

How To Make Better Decisions Faster (Episode 167)

SUMMARY: Discover how difficult investing decisions can be streamlined to achieve beneficial outcomes. Paul Epstein joins Andy to discuss how to build a personal system for optimal decision making. SHOW NOTES: 8:32: Why Do We Need To Make Decisions Faster? 15:13: How...