by Carrie Miller | Dec 26, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how our global crisis of trust impacts money and investing, and how new technologies like block chain may restore confidence. SHOW NOTES: 9:43: Is Enthusiasm For Crypto Legitimate? 17:10: How Is Block Chain Likely To Restore Trust In Our Economy?...
by Carrie Miller | Dec 21, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how China has revolutionized digital finance and prompted the U.S. to play catch-up in an attempt to remain the world’s financial leader. SHOW NOTES: 2:02: How Did China Become The Global Leader Of FinTech? 6:50: How Has China Developed A Social...
by Carrie Miller | Dec 21, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how computer chips have become the world’s most valuable resource. Economic superiority – as well as security — will be determined by who controls chips. SHOW NOTES: 5:03: What Nations Are Fighting The Chip War? 7:22: How Does The World Change...
by Carrie Miller | Dec 21, 2022
SUMMARY: Ted Benna, “The Father of the 401(k),” joins Andy to discuss how inflation impacts retirement investments. Also discover how to safeguard your financial future no matter what age you are. SHOW NOTES: 4:04: How Do IRAs Compare To 401(k)s? 6:30 How Has The...
by Carrie Miller | Dec 21, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how our current inflation crisis was the inevitable result of political policies, and how you can safeguard your investments with opportunities afforded by inflation. SHOW NOTES: 6:17: How Has “Creditism” Impacted Monetary Policy? 7:39: How Do Paper...