by Carrie Miller | Jun 8, 2022
SUMMARY: Food prices are skyrocketing. Food shortages are more frequent. Global food crises are predicted. Andy speaks with a food economist who offers insight into the next expected economic crisis. SHOW NOTES: 9:01: What Is The Risk Of A Global Food Shortage? 11:07:...
by Carrie Miller | Jun 1, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how economics are understood as a series of tradeoffs. Our economic policies are too often convoluting with ingredients that stray from common sense. Mathew Hennessey joins Andy to discuss how you can cut through “magical thinking” and use economics...
by Carrie Miller | Jun 1, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how the U.S. will fund the future. Richard Duncan joins Andy to discuss money, credit and the future of the markets. SHOW NOTES: 17:46: How Has The Fed Changed Over The Last 100 Years? 21:53: How Did The Fed Become The World’s Most Powerful Economic...
by Carrie Miller | Jun 1, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how runaway inflation is impacting investing, wealth and the psychology of Americans. Economist Jay Prag joins Andy to discuss the likelihood of reversing inflation with a recession. SHOW NOTES: 6:06: How Is The Fed Fueling Inflation? 11:39: Why Has...
by Carrie Miller | Apr 5, 2022
SUMMARY: Discover how America and China are waging a financial war that impacts every citizen around the globe. SHOW NOTES: 5:42: How Does Bretton Woods Frame The Current Financial Cold War? 11:17: Why Is The Dollar Still The Reserve Currency? 14:48: Is The Digital...