Read 401(k)aos Now

Retirement is an issue I have addressed many times in the past, and something I will continue to discuss. Here’s why retirement is something I mention a lot: every time I discuss 401(k) accounts, someone sees retirement from a new perspective. With each video, blog...

Soros’ Million Dollar Debt

Some of the best learning opportunities come though looking at current article about investing. Today we’re going o use an article from Seeking Alpha, titled “George Soros Increases His S&P 500 Put Position,” to contrast the differences between professional and...

Is Bad News Really Good News?

Sometimes the market masks bad news as good news. Using the Four Pillars of Investing and developing technical skills to analyze the market can help us avoid getting caught in the trap. Medicine as a Metaphor A while back, I was having pain in my back. I got an MRI...

Broad Market Review – 4/6/15

The more a person learns about the four pillars of investing, the more important risk management becomes. Today in the market we saw evidence as to just how important risk management is. The market had a lot of shorts that we had covered with stop losses. I believe...

Take Six Months Off From Stocks?

A recent article from Bloomberg Business encourages investors to take a six-month holiday from the market.  I have a few things I would like to say in response: 1. There is no such thing as taking a break from investing. You cannot take time off to be on the sideline....