What If Everyone Was Financially Literate? (Episode 166)

What If Everyone Was Financially Literate? (Episode 166)

SUMMARY: Discover the true cost of being financially ignorant, and how that ignorance is exploited. Per Bylund joins Andy to discuss how anyone can achieve financial literacy. SHOW NOTES: 5:06: What Is Economics? 9:25: What Is The Cost Of An Electorate That Is...
You Do It (Episode 164)

You Do It (Episode 164)

SUMMARY: Discover why Americans are waiting for someone else to fix what’s broken in society. Philip Howard joins Andy to discuss how every citizen can take action instead of sitting back and hoping someone else does the job. SHOW NOTES: 7:31: How Has Government...
Tethered to Currency (Episode 163)

Tethered to Currency (Episode 163)

SUMMARY: Discover how Tether is tied to fiat currencies inside the crypto universe. Carol Alexander joins Andy to explain how the crypto currency market is quickly evolving and full of risk and opportunity. SHOW NOTES: 6:47: What Role Does Tether Play In The Crypto...
The Fed’s Conundrum (Episode 161)

The Fed’s Conundrum (Episode 161)

SUMMARY: Discover how fiscal policy is unsustainable and what the best options are to build a healthy economic future. Economist John Cochrane joins Andy. SHOW NOTES: 4:22: How Can The Fed Kill Inflation? 10:18: How Did The Fed Keep Inflation So Low For So Long?...
The Next Bubble (Episode 160)

The Next Bubble (Episode 160)

SUMMARY: Discover how so-called experts fail to predict financial crises. Howard Adler, former U.S. Treasury official, joins Andy to discuss how the next financial boom-and-bust cycle is growing, and how you can prepare for it. SHOW NOTES: 4:57: How Does The U.S....