Covid Psychology (Episode 99)

SUMMARY Discover how the COVID crisis may be psychologically impacting your financial decisions. Joy Lere joins Andy to discuss her work helping people successfully manage finances during times of crisis. SHOW NOTES: 3:54: How Are Money And Psychology Connected?...

Improving Capitalism (Episode 100)

SUMMARY: Income inequality is an issue that affects the poor, middle class and rich. Warren Valdmanis joins Andy to discuss solutions for challenges facing capitalism.  SHOW NOTES: 4:26: How Does Capitalism Need To Improve? 7:42: How Is Income Inequality A Problem For...

Life After COVID (Episode 101)

SUMMARY: What will the world look like after COVID? Discover how business, school and investing will emerge post pandemic. Mauro Guillen joins Andy to discuss his groundbreaking research into the reshaping of the future. SHOW NOTES: 4:54: How Will COVID Change The...
Faithful Investing (Episode 102)

Faithful Investing (Episode 102)

SUMMARY: Jewel Tankard joins Andy for an inspiring discussion of faith and entrepreneurship. SHOW NOTES: 1:48: How Did Jewel’s Parents Inspire Her To Be An Entrepreneur? 9:16: What Can We Learn From Racial Strife In America? 15:22: Does The Bible Teach That Money IS...
The Price Of Tomorrow (Episode 103)

The Price Of Tomorrow (Episode 103)

SUMMARY: Monetary systems may no longer function under the rapid advances of technology. Discover how you can protect your wealth and navigate an uncertain future. Jeff Booth joins Andy. SHOW NOTES: 5:45: How Does Technology Create Abundance? 10:14: How Are All...