Getting Started As An Entrepreneur (Episode 138)

Getting Started As An Entrepreneur (Episode 138)

SUMMARY: Discover how to start a business, or transition from an employee to a business owner.  SHOW NOTES: 3:34: How Does A Person Get Started In Entrepreneurship? 6:24: How Does Entrepreneurship Expose Your Weaknesses? 11:03: Where Does A Person Educate Themselves...
Commodities Crisis (Episode 137)

Commodities Crisis (Episode 137)

SUMMARY: Gas prices are soaring. Food prices are spiking. Discover how commodities markets are contributing to economic chaos around the globe. SHOW NOTES: 6:04: How Are Traders Detached From Fundamentals? 10:52: How Will Expensive Oil Impact Other Commodities? 18:07:...
Shield Against Uncertainty (Episode 136)

Shield Against Uncertainty (Episode 136)

SUMMARY: Discover what it takes to successfully trade as uncertainty in the economy rises. Alex Gurevich joins Andy to discuss his trading strategy during the pandemic. beylikdüzü escort istanbul escort SHOW NOTES: 5:10: How Has The Pandemic Changed Trading? 8:09: How...
Gamestop Lessons (Episode 135)

Gamestop Lessons (Episode 135)

SUMMARY: Discover what the GameStop/Reddit/Robinhood Revolution exposed about investing. Spencer Jakab joins Andy with analysis of this historic chapter in investing that sent shockwaves through the markets and provided many unintended consequences. esenyurt escort...
Free Market (Episode 133)

Free Market (Episode 133)

SUMMARY: Discover how free capitalist markets really are. Nicholas Wapshott joins Andy to discuss the ongoing debate about government influence of money creation, debt and banking. SHOW NOTES: 7:39: Are Free Markets Really Free? 9:10: What Would A Government-Free...